Adventures in gaming.

Playthroughs | Reviews | Game Dev


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Full video game playthroughs with casual commentary and minimal editing.

Several videos every week, mostly for old titles and first person dungeon crawlers. Livestreams on YouTube or Twitch on rare occasions. Games played on native hardware and operating environments whenever possible. The YouTube channel features over 2,500 videos for dozens of games.

Featured Playthrough:

Wizardry 8

Wizardry 8 is a classic first person, party based RPG from 2001. It's a game that I played some of many years ago, but never finished. What's cool about this one is that you can import a party that you started in Wizardry 6 into Wizardry 7, and then into 8, allowing you to carry over a portion of your experience and items from previous adventures. That's exactly what I did for this playthrough, which may make it the only one of its kind on YouTube. Certainly it's a rarity, at least.

We're playing on expert difficulty using a real Windows 98 PC with native Glide mode (Voodoo) graphics and A3D 2.0 audio. We're also using the unpatched version 1.0 discs from my big box copy of the game.

The Neverchive

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Reviews of assorted video games from an ever increasing backlog.

These videos are infrequent because they take a long time to make. There's always a new one being worked on, though. Games played on native hardware and operating environments whenever possible.

Featured Review:


Orbz is an old golflike from the early 2000s - the days of Garage Games and the Torque Engine. I bought it from GG back when it came out, at a time when digital distribution was still a novel concept. It's a fun time for what it is, though it's lacking in depth and variety. We're taking a look at the game running on a native Windows XP machine. There were some issues getting everything working. Watch the video for the details.

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Solo indie game development.

Everything that I've released has been created for a Ludum Dare gam jam (LDJam). My games frequently rank highly in the innovation category, and I try to to do something different for every event I participate in. Entry pages for the old LD site can be found on

Featured Game:

Stellar Twist

Stellar Twist is a game that I made by myself in 72 hours for the jam side of Ludum Dare 38, using Unity. The theme was "A Small World" so I created a puzzle cube platformer.

The goal of the game is to collect all the stardust to open a portal home. However, not all is as it seems. Touching buttons embedded in the ground causes the world to twist and turn, opening up new paths and platforming opportunities. The game is free to download, and builds are available for Windows, older Intel based Macs, and Linux machines.

Download: Windows | Mac (Intel) | Linux